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RICA is pleased to announce the Call for Training participants to the Rural Women’s Economic Empowerment Program to build digital marketing skills and competencies sponsored the US Embassy’s Democratic Commission Project in Kyrgyzstan.

The main goal of the program is to train 50 women living in Osh, Jalal-Abad and Batken oblasts the entrepreneurship and online marketing skills, to enable them sell their products or services online.

The program will take place in 3️⃣ stages:
– Selection of participants: October 🔍
– Training (in Osh city)
– Mentoring program: December, January, February 📆

What does the training include:
🔸 Basic SMM skills
🔸 Financial literacy
🔸 Digital skills and sales on online marketplaces (sales platforms).

The selected participants will improve their knowledge in the above areas during a 5-day training in Osh. After the training, mentoring (expert advice) will continue. During the next 3 months of the program, participants must place their services or products on social media and / or online sales platforms and put them up for sale.

All costs are covered by the organizers 💰

Requirements for participants:
🔹 Women and girls aged 18-45
🔹 Having an early stage business or business idea
🔹 Desire to learn and grow your business

Fill out the admission form to participate:

❗ Deadline for applications: October 15, 2021

Book Launch

Regional Institute of Central Asia, within the framework of the book translation program, held a presentation of the book “Өспүрүмдөр үчүн Python”.
This program is funded by the U.S. Embassy in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic and provided financing for the costs of acquiring copyright, translation, publication, delivery of books, as well as programs subsequent to the publication of the book 🇺🇸🇰🇬
The growing interest in IT is a hope for young people to get better jobs and become independent in the future. However, the problem is there are practically no materials in the Kyrgyz language for learning new programming languages.💻
This project aims to help young enthusiasts by providing them with the latest programming materials – PYTHON 📚
Python is a new programming language that is widely used in various fields; from economics to artificial intelligence🤖 🧮
This is not the end of the project, there will be many more events! Stay with us and follow the news!

Dastarkhan Forum

On September 25, the first “Dastarkhan Forum” was held in Bishkek.
The topic of the forum this year was Central Asian Economic Cooperation 🇰🇬🇺🇿🇰🇿🇹🇯🇹🇲
The forum aimed to develop a common brand and identity in Central Asia, and also explored the possibilities of joint promotion to attract investment and competitiveness of the region.
Within the framework of the forum, the following issues were discussed: trade and economic cooperation, development of FinTech in Central Asia, food crisis, food security analysis, etc.
Central Asian countries need a platform to discuss problems and make decisions. We believe that the Dastarkhan Forum will be a platform on which issues will be discussed and urgent problems of the Central Asian region will be resolved.
We will be glad to see experts from other countries in subsequent forums.

(Русский) Предварительная программа

Предварительная программа

«Дастархан – 2021: Центральноазиатское экономическое сотрудничество»

Дата: 25 сентября 2021 г.

Место: Парк отель (Орозбекова 87)

Модератор: к.э.н., доц., Талант Асан уулу (Школа предпринимательства и управления бизнеса АУЦА)





Регистрация участников, утренний кофе


Открытие, вступительная речь


Торгово-экономическое сотрудничество и интеграция стран Центральной Азии

Кадыралиев Алмаз Токтобекович,

ректор КЭУ им.М.Рыскулбекова


«Разивите ФинТех в Центральной Азии на примере Алиф Банка»

Абдулло Курбонов, председатель «Алиф банк», Таджикистан

Примеры из практики Центральной Азии: насущные потребности и захватывающие возможности

Анджан Гош, директор Silk Road Case Center, Университет Нархоз

Молдашев Кайрат Булатович, PhD по специальности политическая экономика, профессор-исследователь университета Нархоз, Казахстан


Инструменты цифровой трансформации университетского образования в контексте

Стратегия «Цифровой Узбекистан-2030»

Музаффар Джалалов,

ректор Университета Инха

Канат Сембиев,

руководитель департамента, Университет Инха, Узбекистан



Все участники



2 часть


Продовольственный кризис: Рынок пшеницы в Центральной Азии

Токобаев Нурлан Качкынбаевич,

кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры экономики и коммерции Международного Кувейтского Университета, представитель международной программы “Community Leaders


Стратегические задачи банковской трансформации в Республике Узбекистан

Азларова Азиза Ахроровна, кандидат экономических наук, доцент, кафедрa «Банковское дело и инвестиции» Ташкентского государственного экономического университета


Влияние рыночной интеграции на расходы на социальное обеспечение в Центральной Азии

Эльданиз Гуссейнов Афганоглы,

Казахстанское сообщество молодых экспертов в области международных отношений


Анализ продовольственной безопасности стран Центральной Азии в контексте пандемии Covid-19

Очилова Хилола Фармоновна, кандидат экономических наук, доцент Ташкентского государственного экономического университета

Поддержка сельского хозяйства за счет кредитов коммерческих банков в условиях цифровой экономике

Тоймухамедов Иброхим Рихсибоевич,

к.э.н., доцент, кафедрa «Банковское дело и инвестиции» Ташкентского государственного экономического университета



Все участники


Подведение итогов, закрытие


Обед, нетворкинг сессия


Training on “Website design”

We are glad to inform that on July 26, classes of the Website design course began within the framework of the project: “Youth Employment – Community Support Program (L4Y)”.

Training on Social Media Marketing (SMM)

On July 5-7, trainings on basic social media marketing skills were held together with the American Councils for International Education and Adam University.
During the trainings, more than 15 students learned how to design pages, create designs, run ads, and also received basic copywriting skills.
The Regional Institute of Central Asia is pleased to contribute to youth development. Stay tuned for more updates

We have moved!

We have Moved!

Our New Address: Ryskulova 79Б, Bishkek

CSSPR-RICA Cooperation Webinar

On December 23, Regional Institute of Central Asia (RICA) joined the first in-house interactive session with the the Center for Security, Strategy and Policy Research (CSSPR), Pakistan. After signing a Memorandum of Understanding earlier this month, both Centers discussed the avenues and conduits for collaborative research going forward. Both Centers agreed to organize a series of events to assess and analyze the inextricable connections between the geopolitics of South and Central Asia. In addition to that, both Centers decided to jointly-publish policy briefs that will be translated into required language.

Results of Interview

We have finished evaluation process. Successful candidates will receive a congratulations email. Please check your inbox.