2018 - September
On September 8, 2018 an international conference was held by the Japan Foundation “Nippon”, Japan and Central Asia Friendship Association “JACAFA” and Regional Institute of Central Asia (RICA) in Bishkek. Conference dedicated to the year of development of regions in the Kyrgyz Republic was on: “Sustainable development of regions in Kyrgyzstan: the importance of human resources and technologies”..
Representatives of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic participated with welcoming speeches: Almazbek Beishenaliev – Head of Department for Education, Culture, and Sports under the Government Office of KR, Eldar Abakirov – Deputy Minister of Economy of KR, Kudaiberdi Kozhobekov – Deputy Minister of Education and Science of KR. On behalf of Japan: Yoshihiko Yamamura – Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the Kyrgyz Republic, Yuji Mori – Executive Director of the Nippon Foundation, James Huffman as the head of the project manager JACAFA held a presentation of the Nippon Foundation. Bedelbai Mamadiev, director of RICA welcomed the guests on behalf of organizers – RICA.
Doctor of economics, professor Jarkinay Musayeva presented her report on “Problems and perspectives of development of the agricultural sector of Kyrgyzstan in the conditions of globalization”. She outlined a number of problematic issues that the countries of the region will face. Report on “Present state and perspectives of organic farming in the Kyrgyz Republic – the successful use of organic fertilizers” was brought to the attention of participants by the Japanese professor Kunio Nishizaki, professor at the Kyrgyz Agrarian University. Main Specialist of Master Program of Kyrgyz National Agrarian University N.Ibraeva spoke about “Opportunities to apply the experience of Japan in the field of logistics to increase the export potential of agricultural products of the Kyrgyz Republic.” Report on “Remittances and investments” was made by Professor of American University in Central Asia Nurlan Atabaev
Consultant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic
G.Duishebaeva spoke on “Skills for the development program of the inclusive growth sector”. Employees of the Japan Center Mamitov and Japaraliev made a co-report on
“Human resources aspiration for the development of biotechnology in the Kyrgyz
Republic”. Director of the public association “One village + one product” Ms. Nargiza
Erkinbaeva presented “Sustainable Rural Development Through OVOP Approach”. Also
Students from Japanese universities Tsukuba and Kansai alongside with young scientists from Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan participated the conference.
The main purpose of the conference was to study the role of higher educational institutions (universities) of Kyrgyzstan in the development of human capital in rural areas. Researchers from Japan and Kyrgyzstan discussed ways to expand access to vocational and higher education, improve the balance between supply and demand in the labor market, increase the relevance of the programs themselves, and ways to attract talents to the regions.